PS5: 10 Mind-Blowing Game Reveals That Would Win The Generation

2. Uncharted 5/Uncharted: The Lost Legacy 2

Silent Hill Reboot

The Uncharted Series are some of the most recognisable PS5 titles there are. These games took us on a narrative and cinematic rollercoaster like no other. Following Nathan Drake in his treasure-hunting ventures across the world was the most fun I have had in a while. The world is captivating, and the stories are compelling, it's about as close to playing an Indiana Jones movie that we are going to get.

Although Nathan Drake's story seemingly came to an end in Uncharted 4 when he decided to settle down into family life, there has been a lot of speculation about a new Uncharted game coming out on PS5 in 2021.

The rumour that surfaced on Reddit mentions that the next game in the Uncharted series was in-fact not going to be developed by Naughty Dog who created the original series, but supposedly SIE San Diego.

When asked on Twitter about the possible release of Uncharted 5, Nathan Drake's voice actor Nolan North commented "Ready to break out my climbing gear!". So here's to hoping we see Drake return in Uncharted 5 although it wouldn't surprise us if we got a new protagonist altogether.


Fledgeling writer from the grim north. Likes RPG Games, shoot-em-ups, and the smell of petrol.