PS5: 10 Most Promising Details You Haven’t Heard About

3. No Loading Times And SSD

PS5 console

In recent years, most home consoles have relied on HDD (hard disk drive) as a means of storage. Despite the capacity allowing large games to be installed directly to the consoles, long loading times remain a plague on some titles.

Sony wants to do away with arduous loading times, if not completely but close to, with the introduction of SSD drives for its new console. Whilst it has proven successful for handheld consoles, most recently the Switch, to use SSD and cartridges to eliminate most loading times, it's a bold claim given the power and graphical fidelity behind the PS5.

This, claims Cerny, will do away with the conventional waiting times we're all begrudgingly accustomed to, allowing for instantaneous play when starting a game. It'll be interesting to see if we get any SSD variant consoles, at different price points, but that's more speculation.

It also allows for the customisable installation of games too, so that if you want to only install the single player component over the multiplayer, you'll be able to.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.