PS5: 10 Ways Sony Are Letting EVERYONE Down

8. Poor Messaging To Players

ps5 spider-man

Sony has rightly received considerably criticism from players and press alike in recent years with their bizarre decision to scale back communications with players, often leaving them in the dark for months at a time regarding crucial announcements.

From the PS5 to PSVR 2, the revamped PlayStation Plus, and everything in-between, Sony has been bafflingly radio silent for long stretches of time, leaving players to stew in their often justified concerns about these products and services moving forward.

And even when speaking out, the information has often been revealed in dull, even confusing fashion - namely with the revised PS+ tiers - as seems like an easily avoidable own-goal for a company like Sony.

Throughout the PS4 era Sony mastered the art of customer relations with a host of affable faces - Adam Boyes, Shawn Layden, and Shuhei Yoshida in particular - yet the PS5's PR strategy has been primarily driven by SIE president/CEO Jim Ryan.

Ryan's stodgy, overtly corporate manner doesn't make him a particularly compelling face for the brand, ensuring that the PS5 has felt decidedly more like a Product overseen by a Company than its predecessor.

Sony desperately needs a more relatable human presence for its brand, and to be more transparent about the overall roadmap moving forward, rather than leaving customers to speculate, often negatively, about what the future may hold.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.