PS5: 10 Ways Sony Can DESTROY Xbox Series X

6. Improve PS Plus

Horizon forbidden west

Since its launch in 2010, Sony have turned PS Plus into a solid service that provides features such as cloud-saves, online play and free games every month. At £50 a year, it is respectable value, however it feels like Sony could be doing a little more set the service apart from Xbox Live Gold.

Reducing price seems like an easy place to start. Sony needlessly hiked up the price of PS Plus by an extra £10 a year a few years ago, without offering anything extra. While the price remains the same as Xbox Live Gold, Sony could gain some serious goodwill by dropping the price of admission to play online, especially given that a paid online service feels rather redundant in 2020.

Furthermore, given that the PS4 is at the end of its cycle, it wouldn't kill Sony to start putting some of its bigger games on the service. May 2020's offering of games was so laughably bad that it sparked a petition for them to be changed.

Sony's catalogue is vast, and the knowledge that they are getting a killer game every month may be enough to drive some to Sony's platform.

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