PS5: 8 Best Rumours We Want To Come True

6. It Will Come Alongside PSVR 2

Arizona Sunshine PSVR
Vertigo Games

Sony have always been about diversifying their hardware. In the past this has led to some accusations that the company will throw anything out in the wild and then let it die, but the latest generation has seen Sony releasing innovative new tech and adding more and more functionality to it the longer it's on the market.

The biggest success has been the PSVR though, which boasts a surprising amount of great games and has become a hit despite manufacturing problems at launch. That said, the model currently on sale is very much an experimental first step, a cumbersome peripheral meant only for die-hard Playstation fans.

With the PS5, Sony are allegedly working on a console which gets the most out of VR technology, as well as a brand new headset that's more accessible, and more powerful, than the current model. Like the handheld, this won't be essential, but will nonetheless give Sony an added feature that separates it from the competition.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3