PS5: 8 Best Rumours We Want To Come True

4. The Specs

ps4 xbox one comparison

Although both the base Xbox One and PS4 were a substantial step up from the 360 and PS3, even back in 2013 the tech they were running on wasn't the cutting edge. The PS4 was still the most powerful console though, a fact which Sony relied on heavily in their marketing, and then doubled down on with the Pro.

Since then though, the Xbox One X has enjoyed success for being "the world's most powerful console", eclipsing Sony's offering in terms of raw power. Obviously, that's not a dynamic the company is going to want to carry into the next generation, and rumoured specs already suggest the PS5 could ensure that Sony once again become the place to play the most technologically-advanced games.

Getting into specifics, it seems as though the next-gen console will make use of AMD's Navi graphics tech, which, again, isn't the highest of the high end. Still, it's a huge cut above what the consoles currently run on, and should guarantee 4K visuals and 60fps across the board, whilst remaining cost-effective for both Sony and fans.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3