PS5: 9 Brand New CONFIRMED Details You Need To Know

7. EA Has Shown Off New Rendering Technology

Now, while Mark Cerny has discussed how the new tech in the PS5 will make games better, we haven't actually glimpsed how the tech improvements will transform graphics and visuals - until now. EA recently revealed a glimpse of how they're adapting the Frostbite engine for the next generation, unveiling a video showing off how hair rendering has been improved massively.

Though it might not seem like a major revolution, hair has always been one of the more difficult features to capture in game. Faces and expressions look photo-realistic and lifelike in current releases, but the immersion gained by character models is sometimes undermined by static hair that jars with the otherwise excellent attention to detail on the rest of the body.

It's been reported that EA are hard at work tinkering with their technology so it's next-gen ready, and this revamp of how hair is rendered is only the first step.

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