PS5: 9 Brand New CONFIRMED Details You Need To Know

6. The GPU And The CPU

Wild PS4
Wild Sheep Studio

Mark Cerny briefly went over the PS5's specs in his interview with Wired, but Sony have dug deeper into both their GPU and CPU components at their Corporate Strategy Meeting in Tokyo, and it all points towards a pretty beefy, powerful machine.

The 8-core CPU is reportedly based on the third generation of AMD's Ryzen line, with the GPU being a custom version of Radeon's 7nm Zen 2 chip that will allow for next-gen features like ray tracing. This is all on top of 24GB of RAM, and clock-speeds of 3.3Ghz and 1.8Ghz for the CPU and GPU respectively.

Of course, Sony hasn't played their hand entirely, and still have a couple of secrets left to share in regards to their specs. Lisa Su, the CEO of AMD, talked up a "secret sauce" that boosts the capabilities of this already-impressive technology, saying:

"What we have done with Sony is really architect something for their application, for their special sauce. It’s a great honor for us. We’re really excited about what the next generation PlayStation will do."

There are rumours that the specs of the next Xbox are higher than the PS5's, but this "special sauce" could close the gap.

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