PS5 DualSense Controller: 7 NEW Features You Need To Know

4. New Light Bar

Dualsense PS5

One of the other major features given an overhaul is the light bar.

Gone is the triangular bar of the last iteration located on the front. Instead, the development team have incorporated a more subtle bar which surrounds the touchpad, extending from the front to the top of the controller face.

We actually loved it when games made informative use of the light bar, like in the Resident Evil 2 remake where the light matched the state of a character's health. So, relocating the bar where we can easily see it from a normal playing position makes perfect sense.

Interestingly, it doesn't look like the light can be tracked now from the front using a PS Camera, as it's so narrow. This does suggest that the next PS VR system won't use light tracking, instead perhaps making use of better motion control devices.

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A sucker for the MCU, Aaron Sorkin's writing, thrillers and action RPGs. Low key in love with Steve Rogers.