PS5 DualSense Controller: 7 NEW Features You Need To Know

3. Haptic Feedback

Dualsense PS5

One of the biggest changes in the DualSense's functionality over its previous brethren is the addition of haptic feedback. This means a greater range of sensations which can be felt during gameplay.

It's a natural step-up from your common or garden rumble feature in current and last gen controllers. According to a blog post from the PS5 team, gamers will be able to feel things like the 'slow grittiness of driving a car through mud'.

Though surely it'll take developers some time to figure out and fully make use of this new enhanced feature, haptic feedback holds a lot of promise. While graphics are surely about to plateau with these next-gen consoles, haptic feedback could be a game-changer in terms of immersiveness.

We just hope that the DualSense's battery is enough to cope with this extra demand in power, especially for shooters and racers, where feedback is going to be frequent and strong.

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A sucker for the MCU, Aaron Sorkin's writing, thrillers and action RPGs. Low key in love with Steve Rogers.