PS5 DualSense Controller: 7 NEW Features You Need To Know

2. Adaptive Triggers

Dualsense PS5

Sony has worked adaptive triggers into the DualSense, meaning that resistance can be more accurately mapped to the L2 and R2 shoulder buttons.

Firing a rifle? You'll have a trigger that offers gradual resistance up until the bullet is fired. With the feature you're also going to be able to tell if you're firing different guns, like the difference between a pistol and a shotgun.

In a racer, you can feel the dynamic hydraulic squeeze of the brake as you're burning around a hairpin.

Our personal favourite? If you've got a bow in your inventory, you'll be able to feel the increasing tension of the string as you pull it back. A perfect addition to your stealth-run games.

Similar to haptic feedback, this is set to enhance the level of immersion that PlayStation games can offer in a big way.

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A sucker for the MCU, Aaron Sorkin's writing, thrillers and action RPGs. Low key in love with Steve Rogers.