PSVR 2: 5 Confirmed Features (And 5 It Needs)

1. Needs: Headset Tracking

ps vr 2

Yes, this article has banged the drum about how behind current PSVR specs are...but there's a good reason for that.

The PSVR 1 relies on a singular Camera stationed parallel to your TV. This is to capture your profile and track lighted dots from your headset, DualShock 4, and/or PS Move controls, to simulate movement within the VR game your playing.

Unless you have a very specific setup though, a barrage of elements can hamper your playtime, from limited room space to sunlight dulling the light signals.

Not great when you have a horde of drooling zombies lumbering at you and it's not registering your axe hand.

Other headsets have surpassed this setup by leaps and bounds in years since its inception. For example, Oculus' headsets, instead track your body movement via several mini-cams placed all around the headset itself, allowing for a near-flawless experience within the game's boundaries.

The writing is on the wall for this one, Sony needs to take what others have learned and, if not surpass it, at least sit on the same level.

If they modernize and strengthen their VR platform, theirs no telling how far the PSVR 2 could go...

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.