PSVR 2: 5 Confirmed Features (And 5 It Needs)

2. Confirmed: Not Releasing 2021

ps vr 2

Sony's blog post shared a handful of technical nuggets and proposed plans, as vague as they are, but what about the most important part: when can we expect it to release?

Nishino has stated:

"There’s still a lot of development underway for our new VR system, so it won’t be launching in 2021."

We also know via Jim Ryan that dev kits are only about to start sending out to developers. So, it's early days, and content might be a while coming, but at least we know it's coming finally

Nishino also promises we can expect more news to be revealed soon enough. Finger crossed, that means later this year...

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.