PSVR 2: 5 Confirmed Features (And 5 It Needs)

4. Confirmed: New Controller

ps vr 2

What more can be said about the PS Move controllers?

You'll need them to play most PSVR games, but they initially were Sony's failed attempt to catch-up to the Wii's motion controller craze during the PS3 era, then later repurposed.

Hat's off to the tech for (surprisingly) lasting over two gaming generations, but due to the jankiness it faces with demanding current titles, its long overdue they were given their leaving papers.

It looks like Sony finally will do it. Nishino confirmed:

"One of the innovations we’re excited about is our new VR controller, which will incorporate some of the key features found in the DualSense wireless controller, along with a focus on great ergonomics."

From the description, we can imagine it might be a hybrid of the PS5 DualSense with the Quest's Touch controllers.

Sounds good. To be honest, anything other than the PS Move will be a step up at this point.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.