PSVR 2: 5 Confirmed Features (And 5 It Needs)

3. Needs: Triple-A Sony Franchises

ps vr 2

God of War, Uncharted, Last of Us, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Ratchet & Clank - what do they all have in common?

They are all highly regarded PlayStation exclusive franchises. Also, Sony never used any of those IPs for the PSVR 1.

In fact, asides from the odd VR experience (e.g. The Last Guardian VR Demo), and two Until Dawn spin-offs, the PSVR was graced with zero of their well-established franchises. It's kind of a baffling move.

Sure, bringing big IPs to both the PSP and PS Vita, did little to help move units, but on the other hand, look at what Valve did with Half-Life: Alyx last year.

In a ballsy move, Valve took the (beyond) anticipated continuation of the Half-Life franchise and presented it as a VR-only game. It initially angered plenty of gamers, yet ended up creating a massive new install base for VR gaming, and has brought the medium into the spotlight unlike before.

Heck, Alyx was voted 'Game of the Year' for Gamespot's award show 2020, marking a seismic achievement for the medium.

If Sony plans on growing the industry, they can't just let quirky indie titles and new IPs do the sweat work. They need to get Nathan Drake or Kratos to lend a helping hand too...

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.