PUBG: 9 Features It Needs To Compete With Fortnite

2. More Variables For The Sandbox

PUBG Fortnite

Fortnite's Battle Pass is excellent. The paid-for (yet optional) feature introduces a series of seasonal challenges for players to complete as an alternative avenue for unlocking cosmetics. Said challenges range from the straightforward - X number of kills with Y weapon - to non-combat focused, mildly cryptic exploration-oriented clues.

Each task, regardless of its completion requirement, adds an extra layer to Fortnite's gameplay, encouraging players seek out specific weapon types, adhere to certain playstyles or go exploring for purposes besides a potential arsenal upgrade.

In comparison, the only non-static variables in PUBG - besides randomized loot pickups - are care packages. They're meant as a risk/reward element and to encourage players to converge on a single location, but more often than not, they either go ignored or land in the deepest recesses of the Blue, never to be looted.

It's the right idea - restricting powerful equipment not obtainable anywhere else to a contested, non-scripted event - but they're not frequent or reliably rewarding enough to force players into changing up their gameplan.

Better implemented challenges that encourage players to leave their comfort zones would go a long way in staving off staleness.


Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.