Rage 2: 10 Features That Prove It's Better Than DOOM

8. Open World Shenanigans

Rage 2

Although the demon-infested hellscape of DOOM's map rarely lacked for evil baddies to kill and adorable DOOM Guy figurines to collect, there just wasn't much to those moments of quiet. Rage 2 offers something different, as it gives you far more sights and locations to behold in a much more unpredictable and varied world.

Instead of breezing through a map drenched in sepia tones, you'll see a world that utilizes more than one Instagram filter. However, it isn't just about the striking art design, it's the way each player gets to embark on a search for the next crazy encounter. Meet larger-than-life characters, drive around in whatever vehicle you deem worthy, and completely blast up enemy factions.

DOOM is wonderfully simple, and it serves the game well. Yet, the game faltered when it forced you to take a breath. Rage 2 isn't afraid to put you away from the chaos for a short period of time. It's not perfect and could use some more dynamic events to keep exploration interesting, but thankfully your experience isn't strictly action at all cost.

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Rage 2
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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.