Rainbow Six Siege: 10 Glaring Problems Ubisoft Still Haven't Fixed

6. Smurfing

Rainbow Six Siege Jager

Despite its name Smurfing does not mean that there are little blue people in Rainbow Six Siege. It instead it refers to when existing players create a new account in order to reset their rank and level and play against less skilled opponents. This is not something that is exclusive to Siege, and plagues games like Rocket League, CS:GO, Dota 2 and Overwatch.

One of the main reasons for players to create a smurf account is to preserve the high rank on their main account. However, in competitive games that rely on a ranking system to match similarly skilled players against each other it can cause problems as it completely undermines the ranking system.

On the face of it this may not seem like all that big of a deal but this issue can have a knock on effect with other areas of the game. For instance, if a new or low ranked player continuously encounters higher skilled players even at their low rank this can quickly become demoralizing and lead to them abandoning the game. If this persists then it could significantly reduce the player base of actual players and make the game less beginner friendly.

Ubisoft is aware of this problem and it remains a bannable offence to create an alternate account, but even so it's still difficult to enforce. Nevertheless, Ubisoft needs to look at ways to prevent it from persisting.


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