Rainbow Six Siege: 10 Glaring Problems Ubisoft Still Haven't Fixed

5. Introducing New Players

Rainbow Six Siege Jager

Rainbow Six Siege has a punishing learning curve that can either make or break a new player. The tactical FPS relies heavily on players learning map layouts and the best ways to utilise operators in order to succeed, as well as effective communication between teammates. Unfortunately, for new players, this can take some time to learn and the process of learning the ropes is not an easy one.

Ubisoft has included single-player scenarios that players can complete before jumping online that are intended to introduce the players to the game, as well as some of Siege's early operators. However, as the competitive shooter has grown to include almost sixty operators and the player base continues to find new ways to develop the meta, this mode has remained unchanged. This results in new players entering the online modes woefully unprepared and, when coupled with the combination of occasionally toxic teammates, often leads to players abandoning the game before giving it a real chance.

YouTube is often the best place for new players to turn to in order to learn the ins and outs of Siege, as well as the more advanced strategies that need to be employed in order to jump into the ranked game mode. However, not all new players will be willing to spend the time to do this and will likely just abandon the game in favour of something that is more beginner friendly.

Ubisoft needs to take care of the new players in order to help the player base grow and so it would be worth the investment to help new players learn the game and updating the long outdated tutorial.


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