Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

115. Mankey

56 Mankey

On balance Mankey might typify why the Gen 1 designs were so much better than anything that followed. You can see not a lot of effort really went into it, but it's still a really solid concept that matched its type well and offered players something they'd genuinely want to catch and train.

114. Voltorb

100 Voltorb

Voltorbs are of no real interest to anyone, but provided a really clever game mechanic in Red and Blue. After gleefully collecting every dropped item in the game, the realisation that some of them might now attack you added some depth.

113. Exeggcute

102 Exeggcute

I'm sorry but I just love a pun.

112. Lickitung

108 Lickitung

Proof, if any was needed, that Pokémon was a franchise created and beloved in Japan. Only there could something that looked like Lickitung be created.

111. Goldeen

118 Goldeen

Goldeen might look like an odd inclusion this high in the list but there is honestly a delicate grace about it. It's design also low-key channels all sorts of mythology about Koi Carp.

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