Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

85. Sandshrew

027 Sandshrew

Given its design, Sandshrew was a pretty attractive property in Gen 1. However often dismissed for a limited movepool, its frankly incredible Defence stat of 85 tended to get overlooked. Not here though.

84. Venomoth

049 Venomoth

Cast your mind back to the first time you faced Koga in Fuschia City Gym. How you thought you'd be able to put Venomoth down with relatively little fuss. How Venomoth, packing Toxic, Leechlife, Double-Team and Psychic, absolutely tore you to shreds.

83. Weezing

110 Weezing

There is no nuance here. Weezing was just a bag of poison who exploded in every episode of the show. It worked.

82. Staryu

120 Staryu

Staryu, and its subsequent evolutions were, and this is a fact, the most essential Water type in Generation 1. From a gaming perspective at least. I'll get onto why when you get to Starmie.

81. Dodrio

085 Dodrio

Remember my point about Doduo being a great idea but not fully carried through. Well, the same sort of applies to Dodrio but the fact that it had the unique Tri-Attack for its three heads scores it loads of points. Sadly they didn't introduce the Freeze/Burn/Paralyze effect it had until Gen 2.

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