Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

80. Muk

089 Muk

Exactly the same strengths of concept, message and execution as Grimer, however Muk has the added benefit of being absolutely hellish to fight in the games. It'll poison you, then minimize to drag the battle out for longer than you'd want. A wild Muk was honestly harder to beat than most trainers.

79. Gastly

092 Gastly

Their mystique has wained in later games, but in Gen 1 Ghost types were brilliant. Required a special device to even see them, then entirely invulnerable to regular attacks, even the lowliest of Gastly were a challenge when you first encountered them.

78. Kabuto

140 Kabuto

The whole fossilisation thing was a pretty cool idea, and they perfectly (and subtly) captured the design of something pre-historic here.

77. Ponyta

077 Ponyta

It is a horse, that is on fire. Just let that sink in. The absolute majesty of Ponyta made it one of the best unevolved Pokémon in the entire game. However, and through no fault of its own, it's been pitifully underused in the wider franchise.

76. Rhyhorn

111 Rhyhorn

Strong, decent moves, great design, and provided a genuinely big moment when you were able to catch one in the Safari Zone. But so, so weak against special moves.

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