Ranking All 151 Original Pokémon From Worst To Best

75. Hypno

097 Hypno

Never mind its relative strengths, look at that pendulum and tell me there's not a vibe of 'child snatcher' about Hypno. I am marking it both up and down for that fact.

74. Poliwrath

062 Poliwrath

All the same plus points as the aforementioned Poliwhirl but, just, y'know, a lot stronger.

73. Hitmonchan

107 Hitmonchan

Now, on the face of it, having a Pokémon "inspired by martial arts legend Jackie Chan" was a nice touch, but Hitmonchan loses all credibly there for quite obviously being a boxer. Comet punch was a sick move though.

72. Graveler

075 Graveler

Gravelers are pretty gnarly and, pound for pound, are probably the toughest nuts to crack at the stage of the game you encounter them. Also a big fan of it randomly growing extra arms after evolving from Geodude, only to lose them when turning into Golem.

71. Pidgeotto

017 Pidgeotto

As with any of the mainstays from the original series of the anime, Pidgeotto scores very well on the nostalgia factor. However not without merit, as it was hellfire rapid in the game.

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