Ranking Every Bioware Game From Worst To Best

5. Mass Effect

Bioware Video Games

The original Mass Effect isn't perfect by any means - with a dodgy loot grind, a poor combat system and rudimentary moral choices by today's standards - but it captured the wonder and whimsy of a complex sci-fi world like few other games ever have.

From the get go it was apparent that Bioware's first attempt at the franchise was something special, with the opening level on Eden Prime and the exploration of the Citadel capturing lightening in a bottle and introducing players to a richly detailed world that the developers had been building towards for years.

There's just so many incredible moments in the original Mass Effect that made it such a memorable experience: the discussion with Sovereign is still one of the greatest villain encounters ever, while the decision to leave either Ashley or Kaiden behind gave players the first impression that there were real consequences to their actions.

Boasting the best narrative of the whole trilogy, what this first game lacks in gameplay prowess it more than makes up for in pure epic world building.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3