Ranking Every Bioware Game From Worst To Best

8. Dragon Age: Inquisition

Bioware Video Games

Coming out of Dragon Age II, Bioware had a lot to prove. Ridiculed for rushing out the previous game and gutting it of content, with Inquisition the developers attempted to reinstate the franchise as one of the few hardcore RPGs still available on console by packing it with hundreds of hours of deep gameplay possibilities.

However, it could be argued that by going in the other direction, Inquisition actually ended up with too much content. Overloading players with tasks both big and small, it could be jarring to go from slaying a huge dragon one second to helping a farmer find his missing livestock the next.

Although you were in charge of a whole institution, the player was still called upon to do all of the boring busywork, which often dragged the game down to a snail's pace.

Still, it's better to have too much content than too little, and when Inquisition was firing on all cylinders, it made for one of the best Bioware games in years.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3