Ranking Every Dead Rising Psychopath From Worst To Best

11. Jo Slade

Adam the Clown - Dead Rising

Slight disclaimer with this one: I feel a bit gross writing it.

Now, Dead Rising has never had a problem with a bit of sexualisation and innuendo. Just look at Hilde from DR3 or the gimp mask wearing, phallic chainsaw wielding Randy from DR2.

They were pastiches, wacky stereotypes to the extreme. Alright, a bit weird too, but still, this is how Capcom does it.

Whereas Jo, the mall cop with a power trip, takes things from weirdly funny to grim when she threatens to sexually assault her female hostages if they try and escape.

As far as psychopath battles go, this one is relatively easy (well, by clunky Dead Rising standards, anyway). Don't get walloped, keep on whackin' until she falls over.

This one is low ranked because it's not a very memorable fight, per se. No massive, intense boss battle-style situation here. However, the reasoning behind the battle is one that sticks, just because of how borderline offensive the psychopathic motivation is.

At least you know there's no moral quandary in taking this nutjob out though.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.