Ranking EVERY Fallout Game From Worst To Best

7. Fallout: Shelter

Fallout games

During the 2015 E3 press conference Todd Howard took to the stage and promised us something unique was headed to the Fallout universe. He claimed it would be a new way to interact with everyone's beloved bomb shelter based franchise, and before anyone could start thinking "jeez this sounds like the same way he announced Fallout 76" he uttered the games title, Fallout Shelter.

Now to be frank, the mobile video game marketplace is very much like the Fallout Wasteland due to the fact that asset flip, cash grabbing, and despicably aggressive micro transaction trash can be found wherever you look, and despite this titles also rather desperate grabs at our bottle cap stash, Fallout Shelter is a truly fun game to play.

The way that the title sprinkles in links to the wider franchise is really well done, brekaing up the micromanaging that so many other titles of the same ilk have done with missions to complete and light RPG progression.

Now, not only do you have to keep your dwellers happy and fed, but also repel raider invasions or Radroach infestations and besides hitting some very ardous pay walls is a very smooth experience.

Its biggest criticism could probably be that the end game isn't very well defined and you'll soon max out a vault without even realising why you wanted to do this in the first place.

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