Ranking Every Kingdom Hearts Game - From Worst To Best

8. Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover

Kingdom hearts
Square Enix

The recently released X Back Cover is certainly a beautiful collection of scenes with interesting characters tying into Unchained X. Unfortunately, it doesn't end up being much more than that.

Rather than focusing on the future of Kingdom Hearts, X Back Cover takes fans back to the past and tells the story of the Foretellers, the Master of Masters and a traitor amidst the ranks. Although it is strictly a cinematic experience, it does show us what cutscenes in Kingdom Hearts 3 could, and hopefully do, look like.

Whilst the story is certainly engaging, X Back Cover suffers from the same problem as other spin off titles in the series in that it only really has a purpose for diehard fans. If you don't haven't played all of the other games in the franchise and invested a good amount of time in the mobile entry, you won't understand any of what is going on in the story.

Even if you have all of the background knowledge for the series, X Back Cover ends up creating more questions than it does answers, making you wonder what the point of it even was. A beautiful but unfulfilling experience.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.