Ranking Every Naughty Dog Game From Worst To Best
15. Rings Of Power
Showing that even back on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Naughty Dog wanted to make a name for themselves through sheer ambition, Rings of Power is rather... 'primitive' to revisit, but man, you can't knock just how much the team were giving it their all.
Designing one of the biggest open-world RPGs on the system, it was made possible by showing you one chunk at a time on a screen that better resembled a D&D-inspired tabletop adventure, rather than an actual "world" you could look around.
Remember, this was 1991, and as such, Rings of Power became bogged down by a stuttering frame rate and more annoying, a brutally hard and unforgiving difficulty. Totally worth a look just to see where one of Naughty Dog's most beloved games (for some cult fans) got its start, but Rings of Power can't contend with everything that came after*.
*Minus the aforementioned Way of the Warrior, of course.