Ranking Every Naughty Dog Game From Worst To Best

14. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Uncharted drake's fortune
Naughty Dog

Now we get into real hair-splitting territory - and we're not even into the top 10 yet.

Simply because Naughty Dog's average bar of quality is so damn high, note that from here on out: They're all brilliant games, but small elements can cost specific titles valuable placement.

As such, there's a reason Uncharted didn't come into its own until the sequel. Besides the stellar character work, motion capture and scene direction, the original Uncharted was very much Naughty Dog flexing their muscles in an entire new genre: The cover shooter. With that in mind, yes the shooting is serviceable, but the core identity of Uncharted in a mechanical sense had quite some distance to travel.

Gameplay is supremely basic, seeing you alternating between pre-made platforming runs and stop n' pop shooting, mostly meaning you were playing to get to the next immaculately produced cutscene. A furtive first step, sure, but like with many Naughty Dog trilogy-beginnings, everything would only improve from here on out.

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