Ranking Every Rockstar Game From Worst To Best

17. Beaterator

Rockstar Beaterator

Remember that small burst of music creation software that made it onto the PS1 and PS2?

Various other games of a similar ilk have come and gone over the years, but Beaterator always felt like it was directly channeling the likes of Jester Interactive's phenomenal Music 2000/3000 titles.

Taking a similar approach to giving you banks upon banks of samples and composition options, Beaterator went one step further by letting you record your own samples, loops and beats. This way you could actually put together an entire song - all created from your own sounds - save and export it.

For the tiny PSP Go! that was a really remarkable feature, especially for many budding artists who couldn't afford pricier, more professional software.

Sadly, due to cramming so many features that are usually accessible through keyboard and mouse onto just a set of buttons, Beaterator never took off as this 'music wizard in your pocket' idea - though it came damn close, and is a total blast to practice or play with.

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