Ranking Every Rockstar Game From Worst To Best

22. Midnight Club: Street Racing

Midnight Club

Released on the exact same day as Smuggler's Run (October 26th, 2000), this was clearly Rockstar testing the waters to see which of their two potential franchises or gameplay styles would take off.

Where Smuggler's Run was entirely routed in cross-country sprints and bounding over hills to snatch victory at the last second, Midnight Club predated the early-2000s rush of car-mods and street racing inspired by Fast & the Furious, but still had all those integral elements.

Picking a ride, dodge-weaving through traffic and avoiding the cops were all here, yet none of these elements were perfected or even focused on enough to make this original instalment truly recommendable.

Most developers put one step forward - Rockstar put both, but as GTA III proved, there was still a lot of work to be done here.

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