Ranking Every Rockstar Game From Worst To Best

21. Grand Theft Auto II

gta 2 grand theft auto 2

Taking place in the pretty naff-sounding 'Anywhere City', GTA II felt nigh-on identical to the original, but provided a number of really cool, grassroots mechanics that you can still see in modern GTA.

Sprucing up the world itself so that NPCs interacted with one another, entered/exited vehicles, fought and even stole from you felt revolutionary, and though the actual driving was still hampered by that obscuring top-down view, this was a GTA with a far more 'alive' city to mess with.

GTA 2 also expanded the 'Wanted Meter' into a version better resembling what GTA uses today, seeing a ramp-up in law enforcement from standard cops all the way through to SWAT teams and eventually the army.

It may look like hell and feel more like it is to GTA III what Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake was to Metal Gear Solid, but there's a sense of forward-planning here that instrumentally shaped the Grand Theft Auto franchise.

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