Ranking Summer 2016's Video Games From Worst To Best

1. Pokémon GO

pokemon go hobbit
New Line Cinema/Nintendo

The fad may be dissipating a smidge now, but since its release in July - and across the entirety of 2016's sunniest months - you couldn't move for Pokémon GO players. Seriously, it became a 'thing' to assume anyone even looking at their phone was playing.

No one title or entertainment product has ever enraptured the masses to such a degree, becoming so instantly widespread and enjoyed as a community, not to mention it actually played very well - its tracker and catching systems being simple, with a nice amount of depth under the hood.

Sure, the game has its detractors - and yes, if we really start looking at Pokémon GO purely as a video game, strip away the nostalgia, social factors and associated branding, it doesn't truly contend with the competition - but looking back at summer 2016, there's only one game that stands out from the rest.


What's the best game of the last three months? Let us know in the comments!

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