5. Joel & Ellie
This is a hard one to rank or even try and place on such a list because The Last of Us only came out in June and thus we cant gauge how popular of iconic these two are. Despite its short life on the market The Last of Us has taken the world by storm. Before its release it has every Playstation gamer rife with excitement and every other game fuming with jealousy. After its release this was only intensified as the 9s and perfect 10s started to pour in from reviewers around the world. The game was a masterpiece and its characters were a massive reason why. Long before the game came out fans were already interested and engages by the hard, grizzled Joel and the wise-cracking but tough Ellie. The voice acting and dialogue for the two was perfect, subtly shaping the characters without outwardly explaining everything to the gamer. The games intense combat made every kill feel real and meaningful, thus shaping this dark world and the impact it has on the characters. As far as characterisation goes Ive never played a better game than The Last of Us and Ive never cares about characters more than Joel and Ellie, which is saying something because I cared a lot for Nathan Drake, Sully and Elena from Uncharted and Lee and Clementine from The Walking Dead. Like I said, its really hard to say where these two place on the list as theyre so new but their immediate impact hasnt been felt for a long time in gaming. Their rank will be higher than others because those others may not be around anymore, whereas these two are just getting started. All in all Im going to place them where I think they currently belong.