Red Dead Online: 10 MAJOR Problems Rockstar Must Fix

6. Gun Maintenance

Red Dead Online Moonshiner

Gun maintenance is a crucial aspect of online gunplay as the difference between a dirty and clean gun could mean life or death.

Should a gun's condition drop it loses effectiveness and overall deals less damage. This effect is also carried over to the game's competitive modes such as team deathmatch and free for all. Cleaning a weapon isn't cheap either as it requires the player to stock up on gun oil or visit a weaponsmith to get them cleaned. Guns can also be cleaned prior to an online competitive match through the menu.

If a new player is low on cash they may not be able to afford to clean their weapons, putting them at a permanent disadvantage to enemies and griefers.

The main problem is how random the condition of the gun seems to deteriorate. One minute the gun could be in impeccable condition, the next it is entirely filthy. Sometimes it is possible to go entire missions without the weapon deteriorating at all.

If players are forced to pay in order to not be at a disadvantage then Rockstar needs to fix the condition meter.


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