Red Dead Online: 10 MAJOR Problems Rockstar Must Fix

5. Load Times

Red Dead Online Moonshiner

Rockstar games have always teetered on the side of taking too long to load. Looking back at Grand Theft Auto V and Max Payne it was inevitable that Red Dead Redemption 2 would be the same.

The fault does not lie in the loading time itself but the fact that it might not even be loading.

It is possible to go through minutes of endless loading without even noticing due to the swirling images of wholesome wild west photography. Time ticks on as the twirling gun chamber stays locked and 80 or 90%.

The numbing realisation that the game may never load and coming to terms with the idea of restarting the game entirely only to be met with the same fate.

"One more minute," you tell yourself, as the image changes from a campsite to a majestic deer.

But the familiar sites of Red Dead's roaming fields never come and it's back to the main menu to try again.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.