Red Dead Rebellion: 10 Most Believable Rumours We Want To Be True

7. Multiple Characters

This is something that's came from how different-feeling Revolver was back in 2004, in that throughout the campaign you'd switch between six different characters, all converging in that game's explosive finale. Rockstar have led the 'silent protagonist kills everything'-charge since GTA III, and for the most part it's been routinely perfected by themselves, as well as being done to death. That's part and parcel of why GTA V's three-character setup was such a genius move, it let them give us guys like Trevor who more nihilistic players could embody to torch everything around them, or you were free to act a little more sanely as Michael or Franklin. Everybody's happy. For the most part this solution would work perfectly in Red Dead too - depending on whether Marston stays as the main character or not - as even if we go with the prequel idea it's doubtful Marston could be the total monster in cutscenes we'd play him as, only to turn out as well-adjusted as he does overall. Give us multiple sides of the same coin simultaneously by projecting player's potential whims on to different characters, and let certain gameplay elements and missions dictate who and when varying subsets of missions can be tackled. It's the perfect way to flesh out the world itself alongside satisfying all sides of the open-world player-base.
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