Red Dead Rebellion: 10 Most Believable Rumours We Want To Be True

6. In Development Since 2010

The world of gaming in 2014 is a drastically different one of 2010, which according to rumours is when development on Rebellion started. Since then we've seen Rockstar turn their attention towards L.A. Noire, publishing Team Bondi's divisive detective thriller and making it at least appear to look like one of their own despite its developer's potential intentions. Aside from that the only other game the team have put out across their multiple studios - forgoing GTA V - is Max Payne 3; another questionable title that many loved depending on how much they were a fan of the Remedy-developed originals. We mention all of this, because between L.A. Noire, Max Payne 3 and GTA V the industry has seen a huge leap forward in terms of narrative drive and immersive characters, all helped in no small part by Redemption's spectacularly open-ended 'true ending'. Rockstar where one of the first developers to pioneer the idea of a player-made narrative choice in-game truly matter on a level where you were heavily emotionally invested, and although GTA V pretty much played it safe in terms of forward movement - forgoing that torture scene - all eyes are on the next instalment of this titanic franchise to deliver something meaningful. Speaking of which...
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