Red Dead Redemption: 10 Darkest Stranger Missions

5. I Know You

In the sole John-exclusive side-mission, Marston comes across a sharp-dressed, yet mysterious man who seems to have a history with our desperado.

The cryptic stranger offers Marston a series of moral ventures, starting with a "friend" in Thieves' Landing who is close to being unfaithful against his wife with a local prostitute, with John having to decide whether to talk to the man or simply pay him off. The second dilemma sees the stranger send Marston towards a nun in Las Hermanas where he can either donate to the Sister or rob her.

When Marston finds the stranger for the third time near his ranch in Beecher's Hope, he demands answers as to how the stranger knows of him and who he is. As the stranger walks away, Marston opens fire, but does no damage, before the stranger disappears.

Throughout the story-arch, the stranger is shown to possess a rich knowledge of Marston and his past, referencing Heidi McCourt and the Blackwater Massacre, Dutch, being an orphan, and the meeting point of their final encounter - in which the stranger repeatedly says "this is a fine spot" - is the very spot where John is buried after the main story's climax.

Contributor Jules Gill. Pretty fond of heavy music, Arsenal, video games and wrestling.