Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Characters We Need To See

7. Seth Briars

Red dead redemption strange man devil

Most of the characters you meet in Red Dead Redemption are people you would want to steer clear of in any given situation, but the treasure hunting son-of-a-gun Seth Briars is someone that nobody would want to meet at any given time for any given reason.

As Seth has clearly been driven insane by his obsession to find his elusive “treasure”, his past could be delved into and the story show what made Seth this way and how his partnership with his former friend Moses operated. A Seth that was once logical, compassionate, and sound minded is something people weren’t even close to seeing in the original, so getting a look at his beginnings would be of great interest.

It could also show how he came to form his ties with Nigel West-Dickens and (somewhat looser) connections with Bill Williamson. Seth is a character that deserves a full background excavation and Red Dead 2 would be a perfect platform to do it on.

Seth’s unrelenting search for his prize could have had a far wider reaching consequences that he could be completely ignorant to, much like his actions at the end of Undead Nightmare expansion.


A lover of video games, Star Wars, and cereal. Thinks Starfox Adventures was really good.