Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Mind-Blowing Details You Totally Missed

3. The Bennett Treasure

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ice Skater

Treasure and tragedy go hand in hand when it comes to Red Dead Redemption 2.

After all, the main plot of the story revolves around gaining enough money to flee after a disastrous attempt at a robbery in Blackwater. Time and time again the player is reminded that greed never solved anything, even giving them the option to go back for the money as Arthur during the closing moments of Chapter Six.

The Bennett brothers of Annesburg are no exception to this cycle of greed and bloodlust either. It is said that the three of them shot and killed one another after one of the Bennetts stole the treasure and hid it somewhere, as recounted in this video by the Strange Man YouTube channel below:

Player's can follow their tale with several clues left by the thief that point towards a map containing the location of a hidden lockbox.

However, keep an eye out as a wanted poster suggests one of these brothers may still be out there, ruthlessly hunting for their gold.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.