Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Most Believable Plot Theories You Need To Know

2. Multiple Playable Characters

Red Dead Redemption John Hillcoat Short Film Trailer 10

Ever since GTA V tried out their multi-protagonist system (to great success), many players have been clamouring for Rockstar to implement this system in future games outside of the GTA series. Since Red Dead is the next game on Rockstar's lineup, it's the latest game to get people hyped for another group of controllable protagonists.

When examining how much this system allowed GTA V's storytelling to excel and develop in an original way, Red Dead seems like it could only benefit from the implementation of this system. However, part of what made Red Dead Redemption work so well was that John Marston was the lone wolf type that had to go against his instincts and rely on his allies to help him achieve his goals. If this system were to be put into the game, the character types would have to stray from that formula, or it would feel like too much of a retread.

Imagine having one character that's the typical cowboy, and then include a heavily-discriminated Native American character to offer players two extremely different perspectives of how the Old West treated people back then. This system could work out for RDR2, so long as Rockstar avoids using familiar character arcs and archetypes.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.