Red Dead Redemption 2: 16 Essential Gameplay Secrets You Need To Know

4. Use Bushes & Foliage To Lose Pursuers/Wanted Level

red dead redemption 2

Not even Rockstar could escape "hiding in tall grass", the one staple of every triple-A game that isn't God of War.

At least here it happens in a more natural way, and the bushes themselves aren't glowing safe zones. Instead, once you're out on the road or otherwise being chased down for a crime you did or didn't commit, dive into any built up area of shrubbery, foliage etc. and you can hide from the feds. You'll know you're invisible because the red tint on your mini-map will notably darken.

Though you'll have to vacate the area altogether to lose your "Wanted" status for that moment, this is a quick way to give enemies the slip and dart in a different direction.

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