Resident Evil: 10 Best Movie Characters 

3. The Red Queen

Alice Resident Evil Retribution
Screen Gems

Portrayed By: Various

Appeared In: Resident Evil, Retribution, The Final Chapter

Alongside the likes of Arnie's Terminator and HAL 9000, The Red Queen is one of the meanest machines out there, so it is no surprise that Anderson modeled her on the maniacal 2001: A Space Odyssey bot.

Lasting the entirety of the franchise, Resident Evil just wouldn't be Resident Evil without a creepy child actor causing havoc for the human survivors. The Red Queen was so influential, she made that rare jump from film to video game, rather than the other way round. Assuming control of the entire Umbrella Corporation, The Red Queen's lack of human emotion or vulnerability makes her possibly the series' most dangerous player, even beating Wesker and Isaacs.

While she has been played by several child actors, The Red Queen is about what she does, not who she is. Normally, a faux British accent would grate on an audience, but The Red Queen’s "you're all going to die down here" is a haunting memory from the films. The franchise has come full circle, and it is great to see that she will be back one more time as the main villain of The Final Chapter - the solution is simple really, just spill a can of Fanta on her.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap