Resident Evil: 10 Best Movie Characters 

2. Alice

Alice Resident Evil Retribution
Screen Gems

Portrayed By: Milla Jovovich

Appeared In: All six films

Alice, Alice, who the f*ck is Alice? The gun-toting final girl has cemented Milla Jovovich as one of Hollywood's best female action stars. Project Alice technically IS Resident Evil. By using her power to set fire to a murder of crows would add Alice to the list purely on merit alone.

From her humble roots as the meek girl in a little red dress waking up at the Spencer Mansion, Alice has gone on to rule the Resident Evil franchise. Through her original stint, to her many deaths and many clones, from an unwilling lover, to emotionless Umbrella drone, and even caring mother, we have been on quite the journey with Alice. However, Alice is only a nickname - her real name is revealed as Janus Prospero. Jovovich has balanced every incarnation of Alice to make an icon of not only the series, but horror films in general.

While it would have been so easy for Anderson to focus the film's around one of the popular game characters, he decided to forge his own path by creating Alice specifically for the 2002 film, and boy was that a good move.

Based on the strong women from the games, Alice actually goes on to outshine most of them. Separating the games from the films was always going to be a struggle, but the decision to have Alice as the lead manages to tie everything together neatly. What life beyond Anderson holds for Jovovich and for Alice is a mystery, but The Final Chapter is the perfect swansong for 15 years of the character. There is of course one person who just beats Alice though, Resident Evil is made by one partiuclar little lady...


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap