Resident Evil 2: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

8. Down: Zombies Tend To Be Bullet Sponges

resident evil 2

Be proud, zombies in Resident Evil 2. You may be mindless eating machines, but there are few living beings that can take endless headshots like you can. Their resilience definitely led to a greater sense of urgency and tension, but it also led to frustration. After all, even if you land 4 or 5 headshots in a row (not always an easy task), they'll often remain on their feet and charging after you.

There are so many instances where you'll have to shoot a zombie over 9-12 times in the head before they'd be completely down for the count. In a game like this where your guns are key to your survival, enemies seemed bullet-resistant. This problem primarily resides with the sidearms, but they are the weapons you'll use the most overall, so it is relevant. Even if you do the Zombieland 'Double tap' to the head to make sure they're dead, they could still get up if their head remains intact.

If the game employed something like Evil Within's burn component where you ensure an enemy stays down by burning the corpse, then this problem wouldn't be as prominent. Unfortunately, unless you shotgun/magnum blast a zombie at point break range, you get no guarantees on them being really, truly dead.

Now onto what makes RE2 work so well...


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.