Resident Evil 2 Remake: 10 Things It Got WRONG

3. Changing S Rank Conditions

Resident Evil 2 Leon Sad

Speedrunning is an inherent part of gaming culture nowadays. Just throw a stone, you'll see countless streams/videos on Twitch or YouTube of people rinsing a game in the quickest time. Either through exploiting glitches or natural gameplay progression, it's given rise to such charity events as AGDQ and people always trying to one-up each other.

Back in the first generation of Resident Evil titles, the aim of the game wasn't just completing it in a certain time frame, but also limiting the use of medicinal items, or not saving at all. It held the most rewarding of items, such as extra game modes or better/infinite ammo weapons.

Whereas this time around, the use (or lack of use) of certain items, or inventory boxes, have been rewarded as trophies/achievements, leaving S rank criteria to just be on completion time alone.

For those who truly want a challenge, S+ rank is available through Hardcore mode. This does limit you to a maximum of three saves total, but again, nothing stopping the strategic use of planning ahead and reloading.

The use of medicinal items may seem like a detraction of skill for the more masochistic players, but given that enemy aggression is higher this time around, to others it's a welcome cushion to fall back on.

Given that Dead Space had its Impossible mode and Evil Within had its AKUMU option, it seems fitting that RE2 would try and emulate those modes to fit with current times.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.