Resident Evil 3: 16 Best Secrets You Need To Know

12. Looting Nemesis

Resident Evil 3 Secrets You Need To See

A loading screen on Resident Evil 3 tells players that normal weapons do not work against the Nemesis, so they should just run away. That loading screen is misleading, to say the least.

He's fast, mean, and a bit of a bullet sponge, but Nemesis can be taken down.

On lower difficulties - a few shotgun blasts to the face, hitting an explosive barrel when he's close, or even just tossing a grenade at his feet will all drop the big guy to his knees.

This is especially useful in the Downtown area of Raccoon City where he just keeps coming back, and it's here that you'll find the other reason to take down Nemesis.

As he goes to his knees in this area, he'll drop a crate that Jill can snatch in order to resupply herself. In the original game on the harder difficulties, Nemesis dropped new weapons. In the remake, he mostly drops ammo.

However, the first two times you take him down (and one must be before you fight him on the rooftop) he'll drop upgrades for your handgun. A silencer that reduces recoil and a 33-shot magazine. These are well worth taking through the rest of the game.


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