Resident Evil 3 Remake: 10 Reasons Why It Sucks

6. Mercenaries Retired

Resident Evil 3

Possibly the most egregious removal of all, the Mercenaries minigame at the end of the original was one of the greatest things about it.

As a positive, it went on to inspire a continuation of it in Resident Evil's 4 and 5, before getting its own standalone title on the Nintendo 3DS.

As a negative... why the hell would you remove it from this?!

This would have been the perfect setting for it: smaller fight areas would be able to handle more enemies on screen. Make the route from the subway to the power station a lethal gauntlet to run, or vice versa.

Even the UBCS members actually have a bit more personality this time, why could we not have had some fun with them in their own minigame again?

The other part that completed the Mercenaries mode was its necessity to unlock super weapons for the main game. After all, points win prizes.

Instead, handing that responsibility to Jill and having to grind out points via the Records system is such a massive waste of potential.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.